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Load Banks
– Load Bank testing allows a standby power system to be tested and exercised under load to verify its overall reliability to perform in an emergency power situation. The load bank removes the risk to the critical facility load of total loss of power and loss of quality of power. Critical application of power such as hospitals, health care, computer data centers has created the need to maximize the quality and reliability of systems.
– Load Banks allow to effectively check the efficiency of emergency sets (generators, Uninterrupted Power Supplies) to perform in an emergency power situation. They represent a reliable and economic way to prolong the lifetime of extremely expensive and critical equipments.
The artificial load it provides boosts the system to an acceptable operating temperature. To Bring a diesel engine generator set, up to an operating temperature means eliminating excessive fuel build up or unburned fuel deposits from building up in the engine. This is known as “wet stacking” and occurs when diesel engines are run on low or unloaded conditions. The load bank also checks the engines ability to provide the required horsepower over time, frequency stability and the alternator’s ability to provide the required voltage stability.